A new class of sport has emerged in the last few decades, variously called extreme, adventure, action, and lifestyle sports.
Flow Provider empowers people, organisations and brands through and within action sports.
Since 2002 Flow Provider inspires people to find their passion within and through action sports (before also through street culture) by writing policy for governmental organisations, implementing projects, consult brands and organize events.
We believe people’s sense of purpose, happiness, health, sense of belonging and quality of life increases by living a life with and through a passion. A ‘way of life’ in a way that creates a sense of flow and of belonging to a community.
Action sports activities are revolutionizing the notion of sport, exercise and physical activity and overtaking many traditional sports in terms of participation, and influence.
They have developed into a significant worldwide phenomenon with considerable social and economic impact (Brymer and Schweitzer, 2017a).
While participant numbers in many traditional team and individual sports such as golf, basketball, and racket sports have declined over the last decade or so, participant numbers in so-called extreme sports have surged.
The current trajectory suggests that traditional sports will soon play second fiddle to these new and exciting opportunities. With the continually rising participation rates in these activities, science and medicine is starting to give these sports the same attention already given to traditional sports (Feletti et al., 2017).
However, this attention needs to consider the unique and nuanced characteristics of the people involved, their motivation, and the activities.
As already noted and further highlighted by many articles , extreme sports are not well-served by approaches that stem from traditional sports research (Arijs et al.).
Research indicates that, if managed effectively, (Schüler et al.; Buckley), participation in action sports can induce positive emotions and resilience, and facilitate the development of skills and physical capacities that support flourishing in everyday life (see Maclntyre et al. and Hetland et al.). Maclntyre et al., highlight findings that support the idea that action sport participation can lead to positive relationships with the natural world and pro-environmental behaviors (Brymer et al., 2009; Brymer and Gray, 2010).
Action sports are described as meaningful and life-enhancing (see Immonen et al.) with the potential to be used as therapeutic interventions to address everyday psychological issues and drug abuse (see Roberts et al.; Roderique-Davies et al.). Holmbom et al., argue that extreme sport participation is very different from traditional sports perhaps because the potential outcome is far more serious. They argue that extreme sports have profound positive transformational capacities and that the skills learnt during extreme sports were relevant for, and enhanced everyday life.
(Understanding Extreme Sports: A Psychological Perspective)
Flow Provider offers a ‘full circle’ vision in all its projects. By establishing a large culture and sports education division for 17 years, we have given talented practitioners of action sports and street culture the opportunity to turn areas of their passion into their full-time profession. But not only that, creating a moment of inspiration is done by promoting these activities.

We offer for all parts of the circle ‘inspire’ – ‘learn’ – ‘make money, the whole circle from ‘first contact moment’ to ‘pro’ to ‘inspire first contact moment’. This keeps a subculture, lifestyle, passion, scene healthy and growing.